In Bukittinggi City, there is also a relic of the Benteng Fort de Kock atau Dutch Fort de Kock. The building is set Captain Bauer at the top of the Mount Jirek in 1825. Netherlands while occupying Bukittinggi. Fort de Kock name itself, it is the old name of Bukittinggi. After building a fort, a few years later around the fort also developed a town named Fort de Kock. And now renamed Bukittinggi.

Indonesian Traveling, View and Beauty - Originally fortress Fort de Kock was named Sterrenschans. Because it was ruled Hindia Deputy Governor Merkus-Dutch Hendrik de Kock, as the name suggests renamed now called by Bukittinggi.
Fort Fort de Kock is just abou 500 meters from the Sianok Canyon (Ngarai Sianok). Building the fort Fort de Kock has a small cannon at the four corners. The building was built to withstand the attacks of the natives at Padri War led by Tuanku Imam Bonjol in 1825. This fort became the forerunner of the acquisition and expansion of Dutch power in Bukittinggi, Agam and Pasaman.
There are the bars that restrict the movement of some animals that were there, including the Sumatran tiger (tigris sumatrae Phantera). Bars at the zoo was taken from the bars of the former Dutch military prison. Lots of history contained in the tourist sites there.
During Dutch rule, Bukittinggi serve as a center of government, the city is referred to as Gemetelyk Resort in 1828. Since the year 1825 the Dutch colonial government had established a castle in this city as a place of defense, which until now tourists can see first hand the fortress Fort de Kock. In addition, the city is not only used as a center of government and a stronghold for the Dutch, but also serve as the resting place of the Dutch officers who are in colonies.
Fort de Kock was also built as a symbol of the colonial Dutch had managed to occupy the area in West Sumatra. Fortress is a sign of colonization and expansion of Dutch power to Bukittinggi, Agam and Pasaman. Holland was clever to occupy West Sumatra, they take advantage of the internal conflict at the time, namely the conflict between indigenous groups and religious groups. Even the Dutch themselves helped indigenous groups, in order to suppress religious groups during the war that lasted Padri 1821 until 1837.
That help young indigenous Dutch produced a consensus that the Dutch are allowed to build a military defense base built on top of Mount Kaptain Bauer Jirek Hill, which later was named Fort de Kock.

After building in Bukit Jirek, the Dutch were continuing planed to take over some hills again as Sarang Gagak Hill, Tambun Tulang Hilll, Cubadak Bungkuak Hill and Malambung Hill. The area is also built office buildings, houses government offices, the cemetery, markets, transportation, schools recreation. Development undertaken by the Dutch colonial government in terms of Minangkabau known as "Nagari tajua ka Bulando" meaning Land is Sold to the Netherlands. At the time it did, the Dutch colonial control 75 percent of the territory of the five villages that made the center of trade.
Since last renovated in 2002 by the local government, Fort de Kock, the fort is now the State of Bukittinggi (Bukittinggi City Park) and the Tropical Bird Park (Tropical Bird Park). Here you not only served the natural landscape, you shared kelaurag also encountered several species of bird in the park's collection.
After learning much about the history of the Fort de Kock it helps you relax for a moment in the Wildlife Areas and Cultural Kinantan, the location of the fort complex with Dutch heritage. Also in the complex is also present Zoo Traditional House Museum Baanjuang. You do not need to be confused when entering the area, the castle is located on a hill left of the entrance. While the zoo and museum shaped house is located on a hill gadang right.
Fort Fort de Kock is in the Wildlife Areas and Cultural Kinantan Bukit Tinggi. Not far from this fort there are other attractions that Dublin Zoo is located in Bukit Malambuang. Its position adjacent to Bukit Jirek. To reach there could be over the bridge Limpapeh. beneath which is a highway town of Bukittinggi. This area is located only 1 km from the center of Bukit Tinggi is the Jam Gadang or Big Clock / Clock Tower, precisely on the canal road Renceh Tuanku nan.
From the bridge you can enjoy views of the mountains and canyons that surround the area like Sianok Canyon, Mount Merapi, Mount Singgalang, Gung Sago and Mount Tandikek.
Fort Fort de Kock is in the Wildlife Areas and Cultural Kinantan Bukit Tinggi. Not far from this fort there are other attractions that Bukittinggi Zoo is located in Malambuang Hill. Its position adjacent to Bukit Jirek. To reach there could be over the Jembatan Limpapeh (Limpapeh bridge).